A Supporter subscription offers these extra features:
See and wave at unlimited profiles (when available)
See all received waves in one place (Wave tab)
See history from the last 48 hours
See extra filters in the Discover tab, in addition to "For you" and "Seen before"
Preferred - only see profiles that are within your preferences
Recently on - only see profiles that have been active within 5 days
Nearest - see profiles sorted by closest to you (for those looking for less than 60 miles, this may help you)
Access additional preferences filters (see below for details)
Send waves and messages with priority
See if chats are read
Additional filters for match preferences:
For dating: denomination, height, kids
For friendship: relationship, denomination, kids
Ran out of profiles? Please note, in the "For you" filter, if you have run out of profiles within your preferences, there may be profiles a little outside of your preferences that will be shown to you. Don't worry - whenever new profiles within your preferences join, they will be shown to you as a priority.
For the history feature, once you have waved at a profile, you will not be able to go back and comment on their profile. We have taken feedback and hope to build this out in a future build.