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Community Guidelines
Community Guidelines
Kathleen avatar
Written by Kathleen
Updated over a year ago

HOLY is not just an app–it’s a community of believers committed to meeting each other in Jesus. To create a safe, welcoming space, we ask members to uphold these guidelines.

As part of the HOLY community, you:

  • Seek genuine connections with others

    • Reach out or respond with a sincere interest in the other person. Set aside other motives and be authentic, open, and friendly.

  • Honestly represent yourself

    • You are fearfully and wonderfully made and have so much to offer. Please do so in an honest way, whether it’s in your profile or in conversation. Use photos that are up-to-date, put true information in your profile, and don’t exaggerate.

  • Treat others with respect and dignity

    • HOLY welcomes believers with diverse experiences and backgrounds, so it’s likely you’ll encounter people with different opinions from you. Be curious about them and appreciate what they have to offer as a unique image-bearer of God. Questions and discussions are fine, but please keep it respectful and nonjudgmental.

    • Feel free to end a conversation at any time if you no longer wish to engage in it. However, we urge you to reject the practice of “ghosting” (abruptly cutting off communication with someone without any explanation). A short, honest, and kindly written message is one way to close the communication in a way that recognizes the other person’s dignity.

  • Respect boundaries

    • When someone communicates a boundary to you, choose to respect it and avoid reacting with pressure, judgment, or defensiveness.

    • Keep in mind that people have different communication styles and expectations. Be patient if people aren’t as responsive as you expect. It doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you! The other person likely has their own reasons behind their choices.

    • Never contact someone outside of the HOLY app without their clear consent first.

As part of the HOLY community, you do not:

  • Solicit or promote anything (including Bible studies, faith interviews, goods/services, onlyfans or your social media)

    • HOLY was designed for seeking genuine interpersonal connections. Selling or promoting goods/services is not allowed.

  • Ask for money or favors

    • Do not use HOLY to ask people for money or favors. If you are truly in need of help, please reach out to trusted connections you already know in person.

  • Engage in sexual harassment or vulgar talk

    • As Ephesians 4:29 says: Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

  • Engage in bullying, harassment, or arguing

    • Don’t choose to be unkind. HOLY does not tolerate racist, threatening, or violent content.

  • Engage in any conduct that does not honor Christ

    • Lean on the Holy Spirit and God’s Word to test your thoughts and actions.

No one is perfect, which is what makes God’s grace so powerful. Everyone makes mistakes, and everyone has a bad day every once in a while. With that being said, we will prayerfully weigh violations of these guidelines against the safety, unity, and integrity of the HOLY community and remove your account if necessary.

We encourage every HOLY member to follow Christ’s lead in outdoing one another in showing honor. Thank you for abiding by the community guidelines and keeping HOLY a place where fellow believers can grow in their faith.

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