After you have seen all the profiles within your preferences, you may see people a little outside of your preferences. Do not worry, new people join every day and if they are within your preferences, they will get shown first to you.
If you are seeing repeats, that means that you have seen all the profiles within your preferences. You will then be able to see profiles you have already said "No thanks" to in the coming days. This is ideal for people who might have accidentally passed on someone that they didn't mean to, or if you want to give someone another chance and look over their profile.
Profiles you have seen will only be repeated up to 3 times, and each no sooner than 5 days again. So do not be frustrated, but continue to really read through that profile, think about it, and if you really are not interested, then tap "No thanks" and know that after 3 times that profile will disappear and you won't have an opportunity to contact then again.
Remember, you only know someone if you actually have a conversation and chat with them to get to know them. We encourage you to get to know people and hear their story before making quick judgments about who they are. We also encourage you to widen your preferences to see who else is a little further away. May you be blessed as you learn more about others and yourself and may your faith grow as your hear more stories of how Jesus is moving in this community!